Category Archives: Videos

The Gulf of Mexico

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New Version: Gulf of Mexico

“As another 1000 barrels flow into the Gulf of Mexico!
I lay my head upon the pillow and I wonder is there something I can do!”

A sample lyric:
Dominion has a consequense the spoils are no longer ours alone
Reduced to rape and pillage of the only planet that we can call home
The time for indirect solutions are are behind us our decisions are today
Must this be the point of no return or can we learn in time to change our ways

As another thousand barrels flow into the Gulf of Mexico…
This is a song by Rusty Cline about the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. When will this all end? How will be for us when it comes to an end?

This is my response to the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico. Pollution and water don’t mix any better than oil and water.
Funny how “oil and water” is a globally synonymous phrase for things that don’t belong together.
I forget, tell me again… why are we drilling for oil in the Gulf of Mexico?

Hero’s Journey – Grand Canyon Video

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in 1990 Years ago I read Joseph Campbell’s “The Power of Myth” where he talked about the Hero’s Journey and it changed my life. 10 years after that I wrote this song (at this posting it is the 10 year anniversary of this song’s birth 🙂 :

Hero’s Journey

Lyrics to Hero’s Journey

The hero’s journey is a lonely and a long one
Concentric circles with no end
We slay our dragons and we find they were the wrong ones
Until we love them like old friends

The hero’s journey it not about the struggles
Or the battles that you win
To the victor go the spoils so they say
But the silver chalice you can’t give away

Pretentious paths that pull me on but lead me nowhere
I trade for journeys of my heart
The end result does not lie in some destination
For there’s no end and there’s no start

To recall my past without belief of pain and danger
Have brought new purpose to my life
Enslaved by youth I helped enrage my soul with anger
That slipped my heart upon that knife

Light resounds in my hope and meditation
Deep in silence I can see
In lucifer’s shadow I have found my own refection
When the dark night laid it’s hands on me

If there’s an answer to just where this path is heading
That’s the mystery I’ll use
We all have our own brand of armageddon
In the dark night we live through

Bless my heart when mystery has gone completely
Darkness brings rebirth to claim
Letting go will claimed a lesson learned expensively
Embrace the hero heal the shame

So stike my life with a bitter cup of danger
Watch me find my way back home
In the dimest light I found some answers in my anger
Deep in the dark night of my soul

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