Category Archives: Experimental

Here in my Heart
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A song for me about how hard it is to truly let people know who I am – or at least who I think I am.
There is always some discrepancy between how we see our selves and how others see us. I suppose that is what makes our close friends our close friends, their view of us is closer to our own view of ourselves.
Wisdom Insane
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Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
Sometimes love is the sanest thing we can do and other times it is insane 🙂
Wisdom Insane
For my old friend Arthur Miscione
Monks With Incense
When my daughter was dating a loser from hell…
She’s Got a Way
Ridgididge With a Didgeridoo
This song is a work in progress… I am 15,000 miles from my guitar so I will have to wait until I get back from Australia before I finish this song 🙂
Rusty Singing “Whisper” – in my Audrey Hepburn voice 🙂
I’d like to say what I want to tell you
Before you can see what you hear
I want you to know how to speak from your heart
How to say what you want them to hear
I’ve heard that they’ll hear what you say if you’ll say
What you said as you spoke with a whisper
And I’ve heard it said if you’ll say what you say
And what you said was spoke in scripture
They might even know what you mean
And they might even see what you’ve seen
And if they see in you, what I see in you
All you will need is a whisper
All you will need is a whisper
Now if you’ll tell them what you’re going to tell them
Before you have said what you say
And then tell them exactly what you want to tell them
You’ll can be sure that they won’t turn away
They might even know what you mean
And they might even see what you’ve seen
And if they see in you, what I see in you
All you will need is a whisper
< ?td>
Anyone that has looked inside and tried to expres sthemselves knows what this song is about…
Say it with a whisper!!