Category Archives: Experimental

Yesterday’s Eyes

“Cold Hard Canyon” getting in touch with my inner cowboy. “These Are the Reasons” trying to make peace with my art, my artist and my age as I realize I swapped one form or richness for another. 9-6-2014 “Yesterday’s Eyes” is brand new… as a matter of fact written on my birthday for a dear friend of mine! “Love A Great Point of View” is maybe the final version, I have been working on this song for 5 years… I [we counting Joanne] never get sick of it, that must say something. “Hello in There” was written by John Prine, I love the sentiment of this song. “Taxi” of course is by Harry Chapin… I love this song! The quintessential bitter-sweet love ballad. “Old Broken Bullfighter” Is for a dear friend of mine who is going through a hard time right now. “Carry on With Love” A song handed to me to remind me of how to go forward against those that treat me with hatred. Western Ways was written in Dallas Texas (Grapevine to be precise) in 1989, I have intended to rerecord it for years… I like this version!

Here in my Heart

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Ego Wrestling

Ego Wrestling

A song for me about how hard it is to truly let people know who I am – or at least who I think I am.

There is always some discrepancy between how we see our selves and how others see us. I suppose that is what makes our close friends our close friends, their view of us is closer to our own view of ourselves.

Here in my Heart

Wisdom Insane

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Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

Sometimes love is the sanest thing we can do and other times it is insane 🙂
Wisdom Insane

For my old friend Arthur Miscione
Monks With Incense

When my daughter was dating a loser from hell…
She’s Got a Way


Rusty Singing “Whisper” – in my Audrey Hepburn voice 🙂


I’d like to say what I want to tell you

Before you can see what you hear

I want you to know how to speak from your heart

How to say what you want them to hear

I’ve heard that they’ll hear what you say if you’ll say

What you said as you spoke with a whisper

And I’ve heard it said if you’ll say what you say

And what you said was spoke in scripture

They might even know what you mean

And they might even see what you’ve seen

And if they see in you, what I see in you

All you will need is a whisper

All you will need is a whisper

Now if you’ll tell them what you’re going to tell them

Before you have said what you say

And then tell them exactly what you want to tell them

You’ll can be sure that they won’t turn away

They might even know what you mean

And they might even see what you’ve seen

And if they see in you, what I see in you

All you will need is a whisper

< ?td>

Anyone that has looked inside and tried to expres sthemselves knows what this song is about…
Say it with a whisper!!