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“As another 1000 barrels flow into the Gulf of Mexico!
I lay my head upon the pillow and I wonder is there something I can do!”
A sample lyric:
Dominion has a consequense the spoils are no longer ours alone
Reduced to rape and pillage of the only planet that we can call home
The time for indirect solutions are are behind us our decisions are today
Must this be the point of no return or can we learn in time to change our ways
As another thousand barrels flow into the Gulf of Mexico…
This is a song by Rusty Cline about the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. When will this all end? How will be for us when it comes to an end?
This is my response to the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico. Pollution and water don’t mix any better than oil and water.
Funny how “oil and water” is a globally synonymous phrase for things that don’t belong together.
I forget, tell me again… why are we drilling for oil in the Gulf of Mexico?