Credits for Carbon in Trees?

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Credit for Carbon in Trees

Just for a hoot click the speaker symbol in the player and it will open a web site in Yahoo Carbon Ventures this is too weird to be funny!

Read this after you hear it:
Yes that is right! I saw this on Frontline Videos Carbon Hunters for a hoot, click the Since the 1990’s oil companies have been buying up rain forests from governments like Brazil – of course Brazil didn’t ask those living in the forests they just sold the forests even though there were thousands of indigenous peoples living in them.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. It is now over 20 years later and everything is getting sticky. Wall Street is now selling stocks for the carbon in those trees – why not it has a value since congress has acknowledged and even give “credit for carbon” to oil companies which allows them to slow their EPA demands for cleaner energy.

Long story short the trees are worth less in the ground than they are as lumber so Brazil is pissed that these credits are being sold but not given the actual value of the trees themselves – but of course since the trees are not timber but merely a carbon sink, they don’t have the same financial value – which is ludicrous since these are the lungs of our planet… ah ha… but alas since Wall Street is now making a profit on the carbon sink int he trees it all changes and the countries that actually own the rainforest want their fair due…