Handsome Molly

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When I hear the line, “like the wind hung up on barbed wire…” I knew I wanted to sing this song this Bill Morrisey song!

Handsome Molly

Relationships… Flies… Bees… Honey… Vinegar

Relationships and how to get what you want from them… it is such an easy thing, why do we struggle?

How do you go about getting the joy you want from the person you are with seems to allude so many but yet our culture and language is rich in cololquialisms and idioms that tell us exactly what we need to do.

How many times have you heard the following:
You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.
Birds of a feather flock together.
A stitch in time saves nine.
What comes around grows around.

There is wisdom beyond words in these sayings. We have all heard them and still they are not headed. I think maybe because people think it has something to do with manipulation or setting the stage to get what you want, but truly it goes so much deeper. It goes to a quantum level where like attracts like, and it works on a psychological level where we attract to ourselves those that reassure our own universal perspective. It even appeals to a spiritual pursuit where we are drawn to those of like faith.

Since this is my life and I have chosen to design it as I see fit, this is what I have done and it works on every level – I could go on and on with examples of how what I am doing rises above the nature of things in general, cuts through red tape, taxes, bureaucracy, anger, hatred and even skepticism. It is faith of the highest order. My faith is that though I may not change or have a huge impact on the world at large, I more than can and do impact and effect my immediate world, I actually create the moods in people around me. I am the creator of my universe.

If you doubt this, walk into a bank and rob it and watch how quickly your circumstances and the moods of all those around you change. Walk up to a person and slap them in the face and watch the mood of everyone within ear shot of their reaction instantly change. These are obvious and powerful proofs of our ability to negatively change our environment. What I have been working with now for twenty years is the ability to change the environment in which I find myself just as monumentally, but in a positive way instead of negatively.

I have walked into a room full of mourners that are grieving the loss of a loved one and created laughter – and in the at laughter, healing and relief. I have been in the center of conflict and raised the consciousness of all present to a level that harmony and peace reign in its stead. I am no one special. If I can do this so can you.

All you need is a reason that will motivate you to give it an honest and heart felt go!

By offering love and light in places where there is anger and dark you will change those that are in your world. You will actually repel those that can’t be or won’t change and you will attract those that can will or are changing into joyful and loving creatures.

I recently watched a young wife get so angry at her husband for not spending enough quality time with her – and she chose to do this during their quality time. Well isn’t it a no brainer for one to say if this is what I get from quality time, I would rather reduce the allotted time for quality and give less quantity? I mean why donate “quality time” for a lecture in why quality time is important; if its so damned important use it for “quality time”.

This young woman’s approach would be quite like a fisherman dropping in his hook, with no bait, just a sign that says: “BITE ME!” Anyone reading this knows that something attractive to a fish – maybe something the fish would want in its mouth 🙂 – would work better than the sign.

All too often when it comes to love we want magic, we want to be loved when we are vinegar as well as when we are honey. We want our loved one to read our mind and just do what we want. And yet you can’t have it both ways, either you tell your lover what you want and let them into your mind and world or you hide out and pray they really can read your mind. Then when they don’t one gets angry and acts that anger out on their lover and this is like fishing with a bite me sign or hoping to catch flies with vinegar: it is not going to happen.

If you want love. Be loving – not sometimes but all you can. If it isn’t returned you will actually repel someone that doesn’t want love. If you want to be touched: touch. If you want quality time make all the time you get with your loved one valuable and fun.

How complex is this really? If you want complexity, you will get it. If you want struggle, just struggle and you will get that, too! Or chose love and watch what happens.

Love & Light,

After 6 Weeks in Australia

Australia is so spectacular and now in Shark Bay, it is also very remote. This beautiful land inhabited by these rugged peoples with such different ways and mannerisms. I am falling in love with the land, the animals and the people of Australia that call themselves Aussies.

I can see the wildness of Australia in their eyes. I can almost touch the vast stretches of empty ocean that have almost kept them isolated from the rest of the western world for so long. I can hear the diverseness of the evolution of this vast continent in their vocabulary and speech.

I am coming to understand Aussies in a way I ever could never have guessed would happen – and that is a good thing because my connection to Joanne and my understanding of her roots is so much clearer now with these up close and personal insights.

I will be eternally grateful that I have been allowed to spend so much time in an intimate setting with her family and their friends. 6 weeks has bee barely enough to allow me to touch the personal lives of the Australian people and see the gifts they have developed and evolved over the past couple of hundred years. It is different in so many ways, and yet I see them as cousins – albeit 100 times removed – we are kin via our European roots and ancestry. It is strange and reassuring all at the same time.

The language differences – which actually are pretty vast at times – smacks of the same subtle differences that intrigued Darwin on the Galapagos islands so many years ago. I wonder if there is a vortex of evolution that moves itself along at a faster pace down her, down under. I am convinced that if we didn’t have air travel, TV, phones and such that the Australian language and culture would be as different from ours – even in such a short time as two centuries – as the kangaroo is from a rabbit. I am soaking and absorbing and writing every chance I get. Trying to allow the growth that this journey keeps offering me.

Oh what a life I have awakened to find myself living. The creation of my dreams, faith and abundance are here and now, and still it slips away as fast as it comes. Such a slippery slope this living in the moment is, for the moments seem to slip away quicker and move on into that somewhere else place with even more speed the more I try to stand in each moment and pull it all in.

Now in two days we go into the bush and outback into the remoteness of this gorgeous country! Alas this journey – that seemed so long when I was planning a three month trip down under – is half over and I am only just now getting my bearings, I could stay the rest of my life and never learn enough about my warm hearted distant cousins that call themselves: Aussies.

Thank you for sharing this journey with me.

Love & Light,

A Little Drop of Water – Does Matter

A drop of water was born. It was told that its destiny was to form a mighty obelisk. Of course being a newborn droplet of water, it had no idea what a mighty obelisk was, but it was excited to know it had a destiny.

The drop of water mixed with other waters. Together they tumbled over rocks and frolicked gently through a mountain meadow. They merged with other waters stormed down a canyon and over a large cliff where they fell and fell and fell.

The drop of water was separated from his friends for a few moments. The separation was exhilarating and frightening at the same time. Then in a rush, it landed in a pool where all the drops of water were giggling and splashing in a bouncing wave of exhaustion.

There they sat seeping into the cracks in the stones around the bottom of the pool. One by one they disappeared into the dark slender cracks between the stones. Rumors came and went about what happened to the drops of water after they slipped into the dark unknown. Some thought they went to a nirvana of sorts, others said it was a place of punishment for all the turbulence they caused coming down the canyon.

One even said that nothing happened really except an extension of the journey they were already on. Still no one knew for sure since once a drop slid into the crack, they were never seen or heard from again. Well mostly no one knew, there was a drop that hung around the vortices near the cracks that said he could speak to the drops on the other side, and since no one else seemed to be able to do this no one paid him much mind.

The day came when our little droplet’s time was up and he could no longer resisted the tug and pull from the crack and away it went into the dark smooth stone. Pinched and squeezed and sucked and pulled deep into the stone went our little drop of water.

It was dark in the stone. It was quiet in the stone and it was lonely in the stone. Though there was a certainty of the presence of other waters, there was no way to know for sure since the space was too tiny to allow anything but one droplet of water at a time.

Our little droplet had the feeling of being very flat and very wide and very long and very narrow at the same time. A very many sensations went on and on and came and went for what seemed an eternity… until…

The droplet squeezed forth into a deep dark void where it was dangling from a vast stony point suspended from a cavernous ceiling. It hung there gathering all of its self and its strength together. Then it remembered in that instant that it was destined to form a mighty obelisk, and it wondered, “Is this my time to shine? Is this when I get to transform into a mighty obelisk?”.

The drop hung suspended far above everything. It hung in space over a space that was vast and echoed plop, plop, plop every few minutes or so. Then after hanging for what seemed like a very long time, the drop felt the pull and tug from below get stronger and it broke free from the grip of the pointed stone.

It fell and fell and fell.

As it fell through the void it began to realize it was vaporizing and loosing some of itself. As it surrendered to the air small particles of itself it began to notice that it wasn’t just a drop of water. Within it were small remnants of its journey down the canyon, through the meadow and around through and into the mountain. Contained within this evaporating droplet of water were tiny fragments of the mountain itself and even small fragments of the stone that held it right up until a moment ago. Then with a jolt and a splat the droplet slammed into a mighty obelisk of a stalagmite. Where the water turned into a vapor of gas, but, leaving behind its true identity, its true destiny: a mighty obelisk!

The water fell and found in its falling that its journey was after all its destiny. When it looked around it could see that, though its place on the stalagmite was minuscule and minute, its affect on the monolith was profoundly significant. As it lie there it joined with other falling droplets joining and changing and becoming one with the obelisk. For centuries it watched as layer upon layer of falling droplets piled one on top of the other and it realized: as insignificant as it might have been without every step in its short journey there would have been no stalagmite and it would have eventually faded into a vaporous gas, but now because of the journey it was a mighty obelisk.

In the end the water mattered and the matter was water. No matter where we go, our journey is what matters most. It is our journey that makes us what we are. Our destination may be so small and insignificant that the remnant of me or you can’t even be found, but with out our journey, the universe would be a radically different place.

We all matter but there are times when our matter may leave us feeling a bit insignificant, when this happens, remember you are now gathering every thing you need to fulfill your destiny, like it or not, you may as well enjoy the journey!

MY journey has now touched yours and even if it is only in an insignificant way, you nor I will ever be the same again. Thanks for sharing my journey!

Love & Light,