Category: Self Growth

Addiction… where to draw the line!

We are only as strong as our current addiction!

It’s not the addictions that we beat that define our strengths or mandate our lives.

It’s the addictions that try to beat us that make us strong.

So in the end we are only truly strong if we do not allow ANY addiction to mandate our survival, our habits or our daily routine.


In an improvised world there are no mistakes!

Improvisation welcomes surprise.

Improvised Butterfly Dance

Make a Choice

By not choosing I am choosing to not choose…
So then I choose to sit here still not choosing…
Chosen already!

Simple Enough?

If you can’t state it simply you don’t understand it!


You know you are codependent when your journal is full of other people’s thoughts!

I know nothing

If I knew something I could avoid mistakes…
But I learn from mistakes…

So obviously I know nothing…

If I knew something I wouldn’t have made the mistakes to begin with!


Life Artist

My life is my art
I am a work in progress
My art keeps getting better and better

I work hard…

I work so hard to know what I don’t know!

That will keep me busy for the rest of my life…. (The latter is inspired by Carrie Ann Hasley-Zamora)

Making You Feel Loved

Making you feel loved was easy… for everyone else it was hard work!

Love is the Answer

To understand that love is the answer, you simply need to re-phrase the question.

Hope for love in the World

There is still hope for love in the world but we have to point with our hearts first and our fingers second.


Tango will change your world!
My world hasn’t changed because I teach tango,
I teach tango because tango changed my world…
…body, mind and spirit!

Tango Tucson

The Best Change

The best change comes not in a change of scenery, but rather in a change of perspective.

Change your eyes not your location.

Serenity Prayer – Revised

Well I fixed an age old aphorismistic prayer. The Serenity Prayer has a flaw, it should read like this:

God, grant me the wisdom to know what I can change and what I can’t.
The serenity to accept the things I can’t change
And the courage to change the things I can.

Otherwise you are beating your head against the wall trying to accept something you don’t know it you can change or not. Then you are trying to change something you can’t change – mainly because you are very confused.

However…. If you ask for the wisdom to know the difference first, then you can ask for the serenity and then for the courage.

What You Believe

Be careful what you choose believe – your future is being created by your choice!

Life is a Ball of Clay

Life is a ball of clay, we create the shapes we believe in – do you believe in hate and poverty -or- do you believe in love and abundance?

Yes! Life has a powerfully funny way of making the things we believe in come true!

Infinite Power

Fear commandeers your power – push straight into the fear – there inside the fear you will find your infinite power!

Love is the rhythm

Love is the rhythm
You are the music
Life is the dance.


Every rain drop in the flood denies responsibility for the breaking of the dam!


To reach beyond the boundary and organize another… the worlds greatest sin… or your life’s best friend?

A Call To Reason

A call to reason in a time of treason – who is fooling whom when reason takes a back seat to ego?

Anger to Anger

My anger is mine.  Your anger is yours.  
When our anger meets – the wreck of the Hesperus!
Claiming, containing and managing anger is life’s long pursuit.  
This pursuit is detoured when angers collide.

Phony Phony Phony

Phonies call each other phonies
Until the only one left screaming phony
Is the phony.

Is this a phony aphorism or what?

Ringbinder theme by Themocracy